Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain is not Shane -- He came back!

I was moved and delighted to see John McCain come back tonight. The speech he gave acknowledging Obama's victory absolutely glowed with love of country over love of self and love of power.

Some of his supporters didn't like this. They booed when he said he had called Obama to congratulate him. But the inherent character and nobility of John McCain was so irresistible that a few minutes later he had them applauding the idea of working together.

In the end, he was the John McCain who rose above parties, politics, pork, policies and pettiness to remind us not who we are, but who we could be. And finally, after 40 years, I can say I have had the opportunity to vote for a candidate I really wanted to be President. If that man had stayed around during the campaign, I think he would have won.

McCain said some gracious, laudatory, and accurate things about Obama tonight. In the next four years, we'll find out that true or not, they won't translate into all the hopes and wishes and dreams associated with him. For those of you thinking the nation will fall because of Obama's misguided policies, you can take comfort in the same thing. Reality always prevents a President's best and protects us from his worst.

If you're freaking out about Obama wrecking the nation would you please get a grip? What is it about this guy that you think he will be able to destroy what none of his 43 predecessors has been able to destroy in 225 years? And mind you some of them were train wreckers the likes of which the world has not seen since Robert Redford told Butch Cassidy not to put too much dynamite in the bank car. If Obama is all that effective, at least he might be able to catch bin Laden!

Obama didn't thank the guy who really won this election for him. John Kerry. If Kerry had won in 2004, then Bush wouldn't have had another four years to work his rating down into the LaBrea Tar Pits and then roll himself and the whole Republican party in feathers. Kerry would have been blamed (unjustly) for all the sour fruit borne of the seeds sown in prior years and fertilized so fervently with such pungent substances by U.U. Bush and company over the last four years. Kerry would have been blamed (justly) for his confused, inept, responses to all those crises. By now we would have been SO not interested in articulate, unproven, hope-and-change-mongering Democrats! Obama and Hillary would have been polling right down there with Ralph Nadir.

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