Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can You Identify These Famous Illegal Aliens?

Answers at bottom.
For extra points, where and when did they alienate?

Somebody needs to say this and it might as well be me. Why? Because I enjoy enraging people by stating a different point of view. From a safe distance, to make sure their second amendment rights don't intrude on my first amendment rights.

Here it is: A huge number of the forefathers of whom we are so proud were illegal aliens when they settled the US for us. Don’t like that? I hate to mess up your opinion with facts, but…

In 1763 European Colonists (not Americans yet) were told by King George (their lawful and acknowledged sovereign for another 13 years) not to settle west of the Allegheny Mountains because there was no arrangement with the Native Americans who owned it. Of course, the European Colonists illegally alienated themselves over the line and shot enough Native Americans to grab Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana and a few other future states.

Meanwhile, Mexicans were fighting and dying to win a free homeland from Spain. Once free, they allowed immigration by Americans who wanted to move to Mexico. Big mistake. As soon as there were enough of them, the former Americans threw the Mexicans out and formed an independent state so they could be Texans instead of Americans.

Ten years later, Americans (real ones; citizens of the USA) took California from the Mexicans. This seemed fair; the Mexicans’ only claim was that, like Texas, they fought and died against Spain to win it as part of a free homeland.

Fifty years later the Americans (now including Texans) decided to cut the Mexicans out of the middle and go directly to war with Spain. That got us Guam, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines and Cuba. I suppose technically the members of an army conquering another country are not illegal aliens, not even when the invaded citizens (!) fight back for three years. Whatever -- they got the job done.

Before this all became an issue, I occasionally hired some Mexican workers for house and yard work. Looking back I suspect they were "undocumented". What I know for sure about them is they worked hard, they worked fast, and they did quality work. By contrast, I have hired quite a few American “craftsmen” who seemed to think the Constitution gave them the right to overcharge for doing everything half-ass.

Sure there are some dirt bags and free loaders in the illegal alien ranks. You think there are no US citizens who are dirt bags and free loaders? I would rather judge a person by what they do, not by where they were born or who their parents were.

Imagine that we renounce all 300 million US citizenships and grant citizenship only to the first 280 million who come forward and pass the test for naturalized citizenship. My guess is that a huge number of illegal aliens would gain citizenship, displacing “citizens” who are really just residents – they haven't gotten off their butts since the doctor spanked them in the delivery room. But by thunder it was an American delivery room!

Our forefathers got citizenship the old-fashioned way. They earned it. And in a great many cases they earned it by doing exactly what a great many illegal aliens are doing today. They valued the opportunity for political and economic freedom, and the welfare of their families as the most important values in the world, and they endured hardship, danger, toil and poverty to achieve what they valued most.

If you don’t acknowledge that there are illegal aliens like that, as well as dirt bags and free loaders, then I suspect that in 1776 you would have chosen to be a Tory burning the homes of those dirt bag colonists who were committing treason against their lawful King.

Answers - 1): Davy Crockett, Texas 1836
2) Daniel Boone, Kaintuck and points west of the Allegheny Mountains, 1763
3) Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, Mexico, 1846
4) General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, Phillipines, 1899
5) Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Cuba, 1898

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